Das Ergebins kann sich mehr als sehen lassen! Link Comment.

One day, they bet that LEGO fans had good ideas, so they used that, and they came up with a platform where LEGO fans could come up with their ideas.

Die Ingenieure, welche diesen Lego-Bausatz designed haben sind wohl eher vorgegangen wie der Urvater der Saturn V, Wernher von Braun.

These cookies do not store any personal information.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What modifications have people done to the official Saturn V set?


Am besten versucht man noch einen zusätzlichen Bausatz zu ergattern (ist derzeit schon wieder ausverkauft) und man legt sich das ungeöffnet irgendwo hin. Die detailgetreu nachgebildete Rakete besteht aus 3 abtrennbaren Raketenstufen, einschließlich der dritten Stufe „S-IVB“ mit der Mondlandefähre und dem Lunar Orbiter. Aktuell nicht :)Was denkt ihr ? Jedes noch so kleine Detail, inkl. Expensive, yes, which is why Vonado saw an opening. Absolute Kaufempfehlung meinerseits.

Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Hier haben sich allerdings einige deutsche Fans beschwert, dass dies nur in englisch sein soll.

Die Saturn V ist eines der besten Lego Sets der letzten Jahre. Man wundert sich oft genug was man vor sich sieht und fragt sich "Hä, wie soll das denn anschließend gehen?" Ich finde dieses Set müssen sich Technik-, Raumfahrt-, und/oder Lego-Fans bei sich zu Hause oder wo auch immer haben. The return capsule has small buoys for its landing in the sea. )Other sites have attached the link to my download page of the assembly instructions and proclaim to each buyer that I agree to provide and sell these instructions, which is totally FALSE.

Wie in letzter Zeit öfter, müsst ihr mir den verspäteten Beitrag verzeihen! Wie oft ich auf Knien auf dem Boden rumgekrabbelt bin (Autsch!) EUR 161,99. Aber, keine Minute verdaddelte Zeit.

Ich habe vor ca. This makes it possible to expose the LEGO Saturn V either as spare parts or as a single unit.Don’t forget to build the Eagle module with the two small LEGO astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, we do not forget the small American flag … LEGO really took care of the small details. You have built your Saturn V and now you are thinking - it is very lonely model, and something other should be standing beside. Congratulations LEGO for the wink … It was quickly out of stock when it was released.LEGO Ideas are not proposed by the LEGO group but by us, by you, anyone can propose their idea.

While these plans are made available for free, they're not intended for commercial use as Vonado has taken liberties to do.It's not for me to tell someone how to spend their money, but I feel that supporting a company like Lepin or Vonado who have taken someone else's creative work (even if it's another corporation's) and is turning a profit from it without permission, even if it means saving the consumer 70%, is a bad thing. Dieses meterhohe majestätische Modell der NASA Apollo Saturn V aus LEGO® Steinen ist ein tolles Ausstellungsobjekt und ermöglicht spannende Rollenspiele.

Zum bespielen, denke ich, ist sie eher nicht gedacht. 1900 Teilen und dem Preis von 119,99 Euro macht die Rakete eine gute Figur und ist sicher auch ein “gutes Investment”. EUR 179,99. One of the impressive creations was this custom Apollo/Saturn V Center at the Kennedy Space Center created by the German builder, Jürgen Kropp, to house his LEGO NASA Apollo Saturn V. Taking about 2 months and approximately 3400 LEGO elements to build, it was quite the spectacle!Also, please do not support companies like Lepin who have counterfeited, brick-for-brick, LEGO designs as well. Da es ein wunderschönes, detailliertes Modell der Rakete ist. If you place free stuff on the internet, don't come complaining that others are using this stuff commercially. Klar ist, das einige Bauschritte viermal gebaut werden.

If anyone wishes to obtain the documents related to our design: NASA Saturn V Launch Umbilical Tower, it will now be necessary for this person to contact me (here: whatsuptoday@free.fr), that he declines his identity and that he undertakes in writing that he will not trade with any of the documents that will be offered to him, under pain of prosecution.Sorry for the inconvenience, my opinion on all this is that Lego Group made a huge mistake in strategy by not producing this design, here is the result!And that's the price range for the bricks only? List of LEGO models of rockets, spacecrafts and probes . Before, there was Wall-E, Doctor Who, Big Bang Theory, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, etc … Here is an interview of the young fan who proposed to LEGO to make the LEGO Saturn V

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